New! Wildcrafted multi color St.Lucia Full Spectrum Sea Moss/Irish Moss is a powerful Superfood containing a high number of natural vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. What makes the Full Spectrum sea moss different? Honestly full spectrum Sea moss is the same as other sea moss just not separated and more potent. Our Sea moss has been dried and cured to maintain its natural color and phytonutrients. It contains anthocyanins, which fights off free radicals. Just as the other sea moss it also rich in Vitamins A,C,E and K, Sulfur, Calcium and Magnesium, Iron, Phosphorus, Sodium, Manganese, Potassium, Zinc, Folate, Iodine and Choline. It is also very high in fiber and protein.
Raw, vegan, non-GMO, gluten-free, dairy-free.
HOW TO PREPARE Full Spectrum SEA MOSS (Super Easy)
1. First wash it at least 3 times with a strainer or to get off the sand and salt residue from the sea.
2. Put it to soak in spring water. Make the water level 1 inch above the sea moss.
3. Soak for 6-12 hours in the refrigerator to rehydrate.
4. Once your wildcrafted sea moss swells, blend it with a little fresh spring water until it is liquefied. It will turn to a gel after a few hours in the fridge. Use the gel in your smoothies, porridges, dressings, anything you can think of!